Aeration Solutions

/Aeration Solutions

Reducing Cost Of Production For Shrimps, Fish, Etc Through More Efficient Aeration

By |November 19th, 2018|Aeration Solutions|

If you are into the business of production of shrimps and fishes then you might be looking forward to increase your margin of profit. One of the best ways to do so is nothing but reduction of the cost of production. If the cost of production for the shrimps, fishes etc. can be reduced, then [...]

1” High Flow Tube Offering 4 Times Flow Rate Than Regular Aeration Tubes

By |June 23rd, 2018|Aeration Solutions, High-Flow Tube|

A unique aeration tube made from elastomeric compound If made from elastomeric compound, an aeration tube seldom fouls. In comparison to a regular aeration tube, where a slight rupture can facilitate the penetration of biological solids inside the system, an elastomeric compound-based aeration tube ensures a 4 times protection. An aeration tube made from elastomeric [...]

Equipment For High Aeration Requirements In Grow Out Ponds

By |May 15th, 2018|Aeration Solutions|

The final phase of aquaculture production occurs in grow out ponds where juveniles are grown to adulthood. For a healthy fish/shrimp yield it is essential that the DO levels are maintained and the ammonia levels are monitored and under control. High Flow Tube by AirOxi Tube is an ideal solution to install in a grow [...]

Introducing Our Propeller Based Bubble Aerator

By |March 23rd, 2018|Aeration Solutions|

A better aquaculture aeration is vital for healthy fish growth and life. Inadequate oxygen level makes fish and aquaculture life become stressed making their growth rate slow. Further, lack of oxygen at the bottom of the pond will allow the build-up of fish waste and other organic nutrients. The material decays can further lead to [...]

How To Get Best Results From Your Aeration System

By |September 25th, 2017|Aeration Solutions|

It is a well known fact that best aeration systems promote excellent fish health and high yield. When you set up or install an aeration system, you must be really vigilant to follow the right method of approach. Incorrectly installed systems do not offer you the expected results. What are the most important things to [...]

Treating Excess Ammonia in Ponds

By |June 29th, 2017|Aeration Solutions|

In ponds, ammonia is produced by excretion of fishes, crustaceans, microbial decomposition of organic materials, urea and ammonium fertilizers, supplementary feed etc. Unionized ammonia fraction is more toxic to fish. A concentration of 0.02-0.05 mg l-1 of unionized ammonia is safe for fishes. The concentration of unionized ammonia increases with increasing pH and temperature and [...]

Improving Immunity in Shrimps with Better Aeration

By |May 16th, 2017|Aeration Solutions, Shrimp Farming|

What can a shrimp farmer do to reduce shrimp mortality rate? Management of water quality is the most important aspect in any type of shrimp farming and the suitability or fitness of the water ensures smooth survival and reduces shrimp mortality in the best possible way. The farmers have to use the most advanced aeration [...]

AirOxi Tube to Export Aeration Solutions to Egypt, Israel, and Africa!

By |April 25th, 2017|Aeration Solutions|

AirOxi Tube manufactures the latest in aeration solutions for aquaculture and is helping farmers by providing efficient systems which do not require a very large investment. We not only manufacture aeration tubes, but also support farmers with installation and maintenance support. Our Aeration Solutions are used for commercial aqua cultural purposes across the country and [...]

Indian Made Aquaculture Aeration Systems Trump Imported Options

By |March 27th, 2017|Aeration Solutions, Water Aeration System|

Effective Aquaculture aeration systems are very important for the transportation of prawn hatchlings from the nursery to the farm or for the transportation of live grown prawns from the farm to various restaurants and other establishments that require live prawns. In India, prawn aquaculture owners or managers have so far depended on imported aquaculture aeration tubes for [...]

Floating Diffuser Grid An Ideal Aeration Solution

By |February 20th, 2017|Aeration Solutions|

Float Diffuser Grid Introducing a Float Diffuser Grid with no piping AirOxi Tube’s Floating Diffuser Grids are designed in such a way that they can be immediately used for water aeration. Its most attractive feature is that there is no need for piping. The only requirement is to connect it with power supply. As soon [...]

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