AirOxi Tube

/Pranav Rachh

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So far Pranav Rachh has created 142 blog entries.

Calculate Your Material And Cost Requirement For An Aeration System

By |February 20th, 2019|Press Release|

Are you into fish farming or planning for it? If yes, then you might be requiring an estimate about proceeding with fish or shrimp farming. You might be aware of the fact that an aeration system is quite important in this regard. So here we are to help you by provide an estimate about the [...]

Install Guide For AirOxi Efficient Aeration Systems For Aquaculture

By |February 15th, 2019|Aeration Installation and Maintenance|

Worried about the installation process of the AirOxi efficient aeration systems for aquaculture? You need not worry at all since here we are to help you with a simple installation guide so that you can conveniently do everything by yourself without anyone’s help. At the beginning you should know about the parts of the aeration [...]

Algae Resistant Tube The Ideal Aeration Tubes For Shrimp Farmers

By |January 17th, 2019|Algae Resistant Tube|

The shrimp farmers would certainly know that how beneficial is algae and algae based food for the shrimps. These foods have a great health benefit for the shrimps which is the main reason as to why the shrimp farmers feed the shrimps with algae bases food. Apart from the tremendous benefits which the algae offer, [...]

AIRE-O2 Aerator For High Density Fish Farming For Fish Farmers In Tamil Nadu

By |January 12th, 2019|AIRE-O2|

High density fish farming is basically a very well managed form of fish farming where attempts are made to achieve the maximum possible production of fish from a minimum quantity of water. In this system of fish farming, the stocking density is kept very high and hence the name. In this method of fish farming, [...]

High Flow Tube For Aeration In Grow Out Ponds, Nurseries, Bio-Floc, RAS And Cage Culture

By |December 17th, 2018|High-Flow Tube|

High flow tube for aeration by AirOxi Tube is a perfect solution to install in a grow out pond. It can be used in extensive range of aquaculture production such as cage culture, grow out ponds, hatcheries and nurseries. With specially designed in 1-inch diameter inner outlet, there is no constraint to airflow. This also permits in [...]

Ceramic Diffuser – The Ideal Solution To Use For Hatcheries, Especially With Oxygen And Air Cylinders

By |December 13th, 2018|Ceramic Plate Diffuser|

Ceramic Plate Diffuser is an enormously fine bubble diffuser and is often considered to as a Nano-bubble diffuser. It is made using a ceramic plate with very tiny micro holes, not even easily noticeable to the naked eye. It is easy to clean as it is made of ceramic and very little substances can actually [...]

Use Of Nano Bubble Ceramic Plate Diffusers For High Efficiency Aeration

By |November 20th, 2018|Ceramic Plate Diffuser|

The ceramic plate diffusers are one of the most robust engineered products from AirOxi Tube which are extremely efficient. The ceramic plates have been designed in such a way that it is quite strong and highly durable. The thickness of these ceramic diffuser plates has been increased a bit as compared to the traditional plates. [...]

Reducing Cost Of Production For Shrimps, Fish, Etc Through More Efficient Aeration

By |November 19th, 2018|Aeration Solutions|

If you are into the business of production of shrimps and fishes then you might be looking forward to increase your margin of profit. One of the best ways to do so is nothing but reduction of the cost of production. If the cost of production for the shrimps, fishes etc. can be reduced, then [...]

Why Are Surface Aerators An Ideal Solution For Aquaculture Farmers?

By |October 19th, 2018|AIRE-O2|

The Surface Aerator – AIRE-O2 Aspirator forms a vacuum by bringing in air down through shaft into water. Water is forced out horizontally by propeller beyond the shaft’s end at high speed. Through intake ports, above water line, the air is drawn and it travels through hollow drive shaft ready to be spread in huge [...]

Fundamental Checks Every Aquaculture Farmer Should Conduct

By |October 19th, 2018|AirOxi Aqua Combo Meter|

Although aqua farming has seen many technological advancements inclusive of aeration, it is still necessary for aquaculture farmers to keep a check of four main water parameters namely; Temperature, pH, Salinity, Dissolved oxygen (DO), especially associated to high density farming of shrimps and fishes. It is important to do so as in cases of high [...]

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