AirOxi Tube

/Pranav Rachh

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So far Pranav Rachh has created 145 blog entries.

Various Plug And Play Submersible Aerators For Grow Out Fish Ponds

By |April 27th, 2021|Grow Out Fish Ponds, Submersible Aerators, Water Aeration System|

Ponds used for raising freshwater high density fish farming should have some basic features. A good supply of freshwater is important, and the soil must have excellent water-retention qualities. Soft or hard water of acceptable quality is the preferred water source for raising freshwater high density fish farming. Yet, in spite of these features many [...]

Aeration Solutions for Hydroponics

By |April 27th, 2021|Aeration Solutions, Aeration Solutions for Hydroponics|

What is Hydroponics? Hydroponics is the specialty of cultivating without soil. Hydroponics is a Latin word signifying "working water."  Without soil; water goes to work giving supplements, hydration, and oxygen to vegetation. How Hydroponics Works? Hydroponics herbs, flowers, and vegetables are planted in latent developing medium and are provided with supplement rich arrangements, oxygen, and [...]

AirOxi STAR – The New Design Of AirOxi Tube Made Especially For Biofloc Aquaculture (BFT)

By |March 30th, 2021|AirOxi Star|

Air circulation is vital in aquaculture just like Aquaculture aeration. With the end goal of biofloc aquaculture, BFT or biofloc technology is the most suitable answer for air circulation. Biofloc innovation is a particular procedure of upgrading the nature of water in hydroponics by making a suitable harmony among carbon and nitrogen in the hydroponics [...]

How To Minimize Maintenance And Cleaning Of AirOxi Tubes

By |March 30th, 2021|Aeration Tubes, AirOxi Tube|

The most cost intensive factors in the field of aquaculture include a feed of high quality, investment and of course filtration systems. Investments are requisite for offering sufficient space to cultivate and proliferate target species. In times of the burgeoning costs of production, researchers and farmers are encountering ways to generate more seafood, while making [...]

AirOxi Tubes Are The Best Aeration Tubes For High-Density Fish Farming And Biofloc

By |February 23rd, 2021|Aeration Solutions, Aeration Tubes, Biofloc system, Fish Farming|

Limiting factors in Aquaculture The most cost intensive factors in the field of aquaculture include investment in pond-space, high quality feed, and of course filtration systems. Investments are requisite for offering sufficient space to cultivate and proliferate target species. In times of the burgeoning costs of production, researchers and farmers are developing ways to generate [...]

AirOxi: Smooth Tube For Aeration In Hatcheries

By |February 22nd, 2021|Aeration In Hatcheries|

Importance of Aeration Oxygen is indispensable to the operations of aquaculture systems. Anything below than the standard level, can cause a degraded water quality and FCR or feed conversion ratios, increased mortality, and also lower growth. Simply put, aeration plays a life-saving role in the success story of your fish farming. Role of AirOxi’s hatchery [...]

AirOxi Star – The New Design AirOxi to Get Good Water Movement of Floc in A Biofloc Tank

By |January 23rd, 2021|AirOxi Star, Aquaculture Aeration|

Aeration tubes are specially designed tubes that play a major role in aquaculture along with other applications in fish transportation, and biofloc tanks. A sufficient amount of aeration is of immense importance in Biofloc aquaculture as it ensures higher productivity of fish along with a reduced mortality rate. It is precisely the reason as to [...]

AirOxi Spider – Now Enhanced with Better Fitting and Heavier Weight Capacity

By |January 23rd, 2021|AirOxi Spider|

We cannot ignore the importance of aeration in fish farming or biofloc aquaculture. It is precisely  why the fish farmers are in continuous search of the best quality and highly functional aeration system. AirOxi is undoubtedly a leading name in manufacturing premium quality aeration tools, equipment, and systems to appropriately cater to the varied needs [...]

AirOxi Octopus – Submersible Aerator

By |December 26th, 2020|Aeration Solutions, AirOxi Octopus Aeration|

AirOxi Octopus has been the latest addition to the entire collection of AirOxi aeration systems and solutions. AirOxi takes pride in being one of the leading aeration tools, systems, and solutions provider catering to the specific needs of different fish farmers. In this collection of AirOxi Octopus, the submersible aerator is the latest addition to [...]

AirOxi New Tubes Made Specially for Biofloc Culture

By |December 26th, 2020|Aeration Solutions, Biofloc system|

Aeration tubes, as can be understood from the name, are specialized tubes that play a crucial role in aquaculture or aquaponics. These tubes play a vital role in increasing the level of dissolved oxygen in the aquaculture medium. AirOxi has been a leader in providing premium quality, advanced, as well as modern aquaculture systems and [...]

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