AirOxi Tube

/Pranav Rachh

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So far Pranav Rachh has created 145 blog entries.

AirOxi King Spider Aeration Solution

By |November 18th, 2021|AirOxi King Spider|

Aeration is of immense importance in aquaculture or fish farming and in a number of other similar uses like fish transportation, fish tanks, and Biofloc environment. It is because of this reason to make the process of aquaculture and lives of fish farmers easier AirOxi Tube introduces AirOxi King Spider. An aeration solution which gives [...]

Introducing AirOxi Tube Cleaning Machine

By |November 15th, 2021|Aeration Tubes, AirOxi Tube, AirOxi Tube Cleaning Machine|

Are you involved in business dealing with aquaculture? Then you must be thoroughly aware of the challenges it carries! One such major challenge that all businesses dealing with aquaculture encounter from time to time, is related to the cleaning of aeration pipes. The main reason behind this being the continuous use of the aeration pipes. [...]

Scorpion Aerator – The Ideal Plug And Play Subsurface Aerator

By |October 16th, 2021|Scorpion Aerator|

Are you a progressive aquaculture farmer? Then you must know the importance of aeration! At AirOxi Tube we also believe that a sound aeration system is the bedrock for success in aquaculture. So in order to provide good dissolved oxygen, aeration process for grow out ponds of fish and shrimp, AirOxi offers a range of [...]

AirOxi Oxygen Concentrator – An Ideal Solution For Hatcheries

By |October 13th, 2021|AirOxi Oxygen Concentrator|

If you are into fish farming or aquaculture, then you would certainly be looking forward to an efficient as well as effective solution for fish farming aeration. Proper aeration plays a crucial role in the appropriate management as well as maintenance of dissolved oxygen levels. To provide assistance with aeration solution and dissolve oxygen levels [...]

Biofloc Aeration Solutions For High-Density Fish Farming

By |September 16th, 2021|Biofloc system|

An aeration solution is vital to the success of high-density fish farming - the dissolved oxygen level in the water contributes to better quality and higher yield during fish farming. So if you are invested in a Biofloc model for fish farming, then a proper Biofloc aeration solution is the right approach to achieve high-density [...]

AirOxi Spider with AirOxi STAR Aeration Tube for High Movement & Low Blocking

By |September 16th, 2021|AirOxi Spider, AirOxi Star|

Aeration is of immense importance in aquaculture or fish farming and many other similar uses like fish transportation, fish tanks, and Biofloc environment. It is because of this reason, to make the process of aquaculture and the lives of fish farmers easier AirOxi Tube introduces AirOxi Spider with AirOxi Star. An aeration solution for high [...]

AirOxi Micro Bubble Generator For Hatcheries

By |July 19th, 2021|Aeration Installation and Maintenance, AirOxi Micro Bubble Generator, AirOxi Tube|

Hatcheries are vital; they help nurture juvenile fish in controlled environments, the better the fish or shrimp development at the early stages the better the chances of yield when the hatchlings are transferred to the growout ponds. Hatcheries and nurseries require high oxygenation which facilitated high density fish / shrimp farming. The most important factor [...]

AirOxi Pearl Aeration Tube for Aeration in Aquaculture

By |July 17th, 2021|AirOxi Pearl|

AirOxi Pearl is a smooth finish very fine bubble aeration tube. The tube is designed to give very fine bubbles even with higher air flow. It needs more pressure, and the holes are very fine so the SOTR – Standard Oxygen Transfer Rate and hence the dissolved oxygen in the system is much higher than [...]

Rigorous Testing Ensures AirOxi Products Are Of Top Quality And Better Than Cheap Knockoffs

By |May 29th, 2021|Aeration Tubes, AirOxi Tube, Water Aeration System|

How are AirOxi tubes better than cheap knock-offs and Chinese tubes. Rigorous quality testing of every coil of AirOxi aeration tube – you can watch our testing videos on our youtube channel or contact us for more information Continuous feedback from our customers and farmers on the product quality and the various suggestions they have [...]

AirOxi – NC 16 mm –The Best Performing Low Cost And Maintenance Aeration Tube

By |May 21st, 2021|Aeration Tubes, Water Aeration System|

The process of aeration summons of approaches to ensure the process, by which air is circulated through, mixed with or dissolved in a liquid or substance. Aeration acquires water and air in close contact to eliminate disintegrated gases and to oxidize broke up metals, including iron, hydrogen sulfide, and unstable natural synthetic substances. The effectiveness [...]

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